The Ecological Citizen: Confronting human supremacy


Long article

The art of sympoiethics

Miche Fabre Lewin, Flora Gathorne-Hardy

The Ecological Citizen Vol 5 No 2 2022: 186–96 [epub-068]

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First published: 13 July 2022  |  PERMANENT URL  |  DOWNLOAD CITATION IN RIS FORMAT


In this article the authors explore their collaborative arts practice as rooted in an ecocentric worldview, in which existence is a continuum of relational and embodied exchanges between ourselves, each other, and the matter and habitats of the animate Earth. Thus our capacity for being, thinking, making and acting is a reciprocal entanglement within this interdependence. They introduce sympoiethics as a participatory consciousness which guides interactions with soil care, food cultures, thanks-giving rituals and regenerative farming. They share Sacred Mayonnaise, a ritual conducted as part of an installation Everything is Here at the group exhibition Ecovention Europe: Art to Transform Ecologies.



Agriculture, Art, Ecological ethics, Ritual


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