The Ecological Citizen: Confronting human supremacy


Long article

Rewriting civilization for the ecological citizen: How and why storytelling can empower and mobilize sustained ecological actions

Amy Lewis

The Ecological Citizen Vol 6 No 1 2023: 66–73 [epub-079]

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First published: 28 October 2022  |  PERMANENT URL  |  DOWNLOAD CITATION IN RIS FORMAT


Humanity confronts ecological challenges at the planetary level requiring the mobilization of leadership and public action on an unprecedented scale. Doing so may require, at the very least, the partial reinvention of civilization. Such a reinvention is, in part, a reimagining of ourselves as ecological citizens – and storytelling can help us to achieve that. An examination of the role of storytelling as a civilization-building activity and the science behind effective stories, shows ways of rethinking how the conservation sector should communicate with the broader public.



Language, Storytelling


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