The Ecological Citizen: Confronting human supremacy


Long article

Who is we?

Robert Jensen

The Ecological Citizen Vol 4 No 1 2020: 57–61

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First published: 9 October 2020  |  PERMANENT URL  |  DOWNLOAD CITATION IN RIS FORMAT


Glaring inequality, both between and within societies, makes it difficult to talk about 'we' – a collective human project of understanding and responding to multiple, cascading ecological crises. Assigning responsibility for today's social injustice and ecological unsustainability, and levels of obligations to repair the damage, is required, but that is only a first step. A decent human future also requires us to understand human–carbon nature and face the reasons it will be difficult to move from 8 billion people in a high-energy global society to a smaller population in a low-energy world. No existing ideology or culture is going to provide us with a template for dealing with what lies ahead, and the sooner we confront the magnitude of the challenge, the better for everyone.



Ecological living, Limits, Societal change, Sustainability


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